We've been residents of Shelley for just over a week now. So far, so good! There's still a ton of unpacking to do, though. We've got our 2nd bedroom filled with boxes that I'm being a little slow about unpacking. Mostly, I'm dreading hanging up the millions of clothes I have.
Sterling started his new job yesterday. It looks like he is going to be working a ton. Like, 65 hours a week until November. Yup. He works 7am to about 7 or 8pm M-F, then has to go in on Saturdays to wash his truck and check on things. We're not exactly thrilled about this schedule. During the winter, he only works 4 10 hour days M-Th, so that'll be nice. Can't wait until then! For now though, I'm just a lonely farmer's wife. With no job yet and no school for 3 months, my days are spent alone in the apartment, unpacking and watching reruns of 16 & Pregnant and House Hunters.
So far, it's been fine, but I'm sure I'm going to start getting pretty bored soon. I've been on the job hunt, though. I had an interview yesterday, but I doubt it'll amount to anything. It went well, but the boss is kind of an arrogant jerk. Plus, they'd want me to work full-time by mid-fall, and even though he said we could work my school around it, there's no way I can manage a full time job with my schooling this year, along with the other busy things that will be happening around that time. So I'm still on the hunt. I just want something part time for the summer to keep me busy.
Sterling is liking his job so far. He's not in love with it yet, but who really enjoys the intro-period of a new job? That's never fun. But I'm sure things will pick up for him soon and he'll be happier with it. It's a bit farther away from where we live than what we expected. We're realizing now that we probably should have moved to Blackfoot instead, but what can ya do now? We can always move in a little while.
Saturday was our 6 month wedding anniversary. It's gone by fast! Best 6 months ever though :) We celebrated by going to see What To Expect When You're Expecting. It was a funny movie. Then we got some sushi in IF, which was pretty delicious.
Sunday we had church in our new ward. It's weird. There are only like 2 other young couples. Mostly everyone else is elderly, with a few families thrown in. It's way different from what we're used to in Moscow. People weren't as eager to meet us, but the ones who did talk to us were nice. It'll take a little while to settle into the ward, but I'm sure it'll end up being nice.
I'll end with a few pictures of us recently:

Us at Sterling's graduation :)
A shot of graduation inside the Kibbie Dome
The Graduate :)
On our 6 month anniversary.
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