um, my baby turned two months old over a week ago and I'm just now
getting around to blogging about it. Whoops. Aaaanyway, here's a little
B turned 2 months last monday, the 4th. We celebrated by going to get
shots. She wasn't a fan. We found a great new pediatrician in Logan, and
though I had a near-breakdown trying to find his office (plus just
driving in that town is a nightmare), we were very happy with the new
doc. Brynleigh got all her 2 month shots and it actually wasn't too
horrible. We opted out of getting the Hep B shot at birth (a
crunchy-mama decision)
so these were her very first shots ever and I almost cried when they
stuck her and she started screaming. BUT we got very lucky and didn't
have any of the post-shots chaos that most babies have--no extra
fussiness or anything.
and we also moved. We moved out of Shelley and to Grace the Friday
before last. We closed on our new home on the 1st, but the elderly
couple who owned it before us can't move into their new house down in
Utah until the 16th, so we're staying at Sterling's parent's house until
then. We are super excited to have a house. I've been on Pinterest 24/7
(when Baby allows) looking at house ideas. I've got a lot of projects
planned. We already ordered new carpet for our living room, but it won't
be here for about 2 weeks. Ugh. I can't wait for that, though!
started work on Stoddard Farms last week and that's going well. He
works alongside his dad, which I think they both really enjoy. Hopefully
they don't start driving each other crazy though after awhile :)
Miss Brynleigh is growing up fast and healthy! The doctor actually said
she's small for her age. Height, weight, and head circumference are
all small, but proportionately so, so he's not worried. She's gaining
weight steadily, she's just a little girl! She weighed 9 lbs 6 oz, but I
can't remember exactly how long she is. The doctor said she's a feisty
little girl, too, haha. She's still wearing some newborn-sized clothes,
but I'm trying to switch her over to 0-3 months size, though they're a
little big on her still. We've made the switch over to size 1 diapers
completely. She's still on both formula and breastfeeding and eating
well both ways. We switched her to a bit stronger of reflux medicine and
I think it's managing really well. And here are some recent pictures!
She's learning how to hold her own bottle! Genius baby, I tell you. |
Happy girl! |
We think she's beginning to teeth. She's constantly chewing on something! |
Church outfit |
This is how she falls asleep on me lately. |
We went to a Vandals game at ISU a few weeks ago. B was great! |
Little Vandal :) |
Zonked out while Mom's vacuuming. |
Her UFC pose haha |
Silly faces :) |
Chewin' those hands again. |